Japanese garden in the rain

We are on the receiving end of some heavy rain in the UK at the moment, so I thought I would share a video my Mother-in-law’s garden in the rain. If you put the sound on you can hear how alive the garden is.

I tend to visit Japan in August which as well as being very hot is also typhoon season. Most years a typhoon passes through while I am there, sometimes they are spectacular with violent thunderstorms, but they always bring lots of rain. Personally, I love the rain, particularly if it is still hot and I think Japan can be very beautiful in the rain.

Back in 2015, we had a multitude of typhoons one after another for whole of the time I was there. It rained pretty much non-stop and there were plenty of thunderstorms to accompany the rain. We seemed to spend all our time, darting from one bit of shelter to another.

One thing to note, if you are in Japan in the summer when it rains, it is great to walk around the city because the streets tend to empty. Getting wet will probably not bother you too much because it’s so warm, however be careful when you go inside a shop, restaurant or mall because the air conditioning will still be full on and if you are wet you will get cold very quickly.